
Alleviating A Wide Range of Conditions With Neurofeedback

We use a range of cutting-edge technologies to alleviate a range of symptoms, both in clinic and at home.

Get in Touch

Starting out with a simple discussion


A questionnaire, brain maps & some feedback from yourself

Training Starts

We create an individual training programme using a range of technologies

Goals Achieved

After continued training and adjustments to match your progress

On-Going Review & Support if Required

Who We’ve Helped

Caroline Walton

Edla Itai

Jason Williamson

Rahul Mistry

Caroline Walton

Coming to Terms With Stroke

Caroline had a Spinal Stroke in 2020 and was paralysed from the waist down. She suffered neuropathic pain – combination of pain occurring when our nervous system is damaged – including from the peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and brain.

She was unable to focus on anything other than the pain. Life became hard and she found herself staring blankly out the window, trying not to move. Daily activities became difficult and uncomfortable.

A glimmer of hope…

A friend introduced Caroline to The Brain Collective and she started a course of neurofeedback training. She was greatly encouraged when she noticed she started to feel happier and more like her usual self. The pain, while present was not at the forefront of her thoughts or life.

Her self -confidence improved and she is convinced the training has helped her be the best she can be. She has since taken control of her life and is now considering returning to work.

Looking beyond the Paralysis

Ellen’s testimonial in her own words –

‘The staff at the brain collective are wonderful, compassionate, and caring to each individual’s needs. They listened to my history and what I felt were the problems and then suggested treatment. I truly feel that without their help I would not have the positive outlook I have now.

Melanie and Maria genuinely care and have gone above and beyond with my treatment including consulting with contacts in America and trying equipment that may benefit.

The treatment has had a ripple effect. It has helped my husband, children, and the wider family and I cannot thank The Brain Collective enough for helping me see beyond the paralysis and pain and find myself again.’’

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Edla Itai

Treating Anxiety

I am currently having Neurofeedback mainly to treat my anxiety which can get out of control and thank my lucky stars every day that I found Melanie and Maria. Not only are they amazing at what they do, they are two of the loveliest ladies I have ever met.

Although we still have some work to do, the Neurofeedback is working very well and my brain maps continue to improve. I also feel fully supported and know that these two ladies will stop at nothing to get this fully under control for me. The equipment they use is the best – as is their training. They also have their fingers on the pulse when it comes to any new developments in the world of neurofeedback. Worth every penny!

*In order to protect our clients identity, names and photographs have been changed for this story.

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Jason Williamson

Living with ADHD

For the first 12 years of his life Jason played alone, avoided eye contact and never socialised. He couldn’t concentrate or pay attention to anything properly. He was struggling in school. Mainstream medicine put Jason on the maximum dose of Ritalin. Jason’s parents Stan and Sue were resolute in researching solutions amidst balancing the pressures of life.

After a decade’s quest, they found the Brain Collective and got Jason mapped. We were able to determine the neurological roots of the problem and Jason began therapy.

Jason’s Journey with Us

Jason is now a teenager and has been in therapy over a year. He is completely off the medication. Jason’s parents have described his journey with us below.

A Testimonial from Jason’s parents

We have been attending Neurofeedback sessions for approximately 12 months with our 12 year old son and the change in him is unbelievable. We have gone from a child who played alone, avoided eye contact, didn’t socialise, had little attention span or concentration and was struggling in school to one that has suddenly started making friends, has a wicked sense of humour and displays normal teenage behaviour and a scary amount of independence. In addition, he was on maximum dose of Ritalin for ADHD and the thought of taking him off the medication to start Neurofeedback was frightening, but he hasn’t had a tablet since!

After 10 and a half years of looking for answers, Maria and Melanie have identified the root of his problems and literally changed his life. For us, it is a long process, but it has been the best money we have ever spent, as said before, it has literally changed his life.

*In order to protect our clients identity, names and photographs have been changed for this story.

Next Steps

If you have a child suffering from ADHD, you will be very familiar with the myriad symptoms including inattentiveness, hyperactivity, impulsiveness and little sense of danger. You will also be familiar with the many pressures this puts on your entire family and the functioning of the family as a whole…

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Rahul Mistry

Traumatic Brain Injury

Rahul’s birth involved a 16 hour labour which ended in a ventouse/suction delivery. He was given paracetamol, for what was deemed a head-ache, immediately after birth but weeks later his parents realised he couldn’t see. As months went by, they realised Rahul’s development was stalled in every way. The doctors called it Global Development Delay but this was not a diagnosis as there was no cause found.

Living with Global Development Delay

Rahul responded to music and sound but stared up at the ceiling and did not move. The doctors said that he would probably never walk or see. Ophthalmologists could not explain why. He was sent for second opinions with opthalmologists and to geneticists to see if his condition was hereditary. It wasn’t. His parents did not give up hope and travelled across the world for therapy finding a cranial osteopath in India who was able to help restore Rahul’s vision and help Rahul walk.

Rahul is a teenager who is as yet non-verbal with mental age of a young child. He has been attending the Brain collective for a few years now. We have been able to help so far with problems with maintaining body temperature, stopping aggressive and frustrated behaviour and his parents have commented on being extremely relieved by small things like Rahul not resisting while his nails are being cut and not screaming, but actually sitting comfortably, while his hair is being cut.

Next Steps

Global Development Delay can be caused by a variety of things, generally Traumatic Brain Injury, often at birth. Healing with neurofeedback is a very long process for this condition and Rahul continues bi-weekly sessions with us.

A Testimonial from Rahul’s parents

After trying everything, researching everything and spanning three continents in the pursuit of healing for our beloved son, we seriously considered uprooting the entire family (with four children and an established family business) and moving lock, stock and barrel to Canada to access Neurofield and Neuroguide therapy – this miraculous marvel of modern science that mainstream doctors seem oblivious to.

When Brain Collective set up the technology not just in England but in Harrogate – a half hour from us – it was an answered prayer, a miracle, a realised dream – utterly unbelievable – and we hadn’t even started yet!

Melanie and Maria are the kind of women one aspires to be. They conduct the practice with the utmost passion, professionalism, vocational commitment, bounds of positivity, cheerfulness and an awe-inspiring pastoral care that is deeply touching. They’re fanatical and excited about keeping up-to-date with latest technological developments, internationally available training, and even advances in alternative therapies – all at great personal investment.

Our son started with them in January 2016 and is on the path to developing far beyond what the ‘medics’ expected of him. And this is only the beginning for him. Our story, we have no doubt, will be added to countless others in years to come as The Brain Collective heals brains, lives, and homes across the UK (and possibly further afield) – creating hope where none seemed possible and proving consistently and defiantly that miracles do happen – if you dare to believe.

Come here with open minds and put your trust in them – it’s the chance of a lifetime!

*In order to protect our clients identity, names and photographs have been changed for this story.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are the effects of Neurofeedback permanent?

Benefits are usually long lasting provided we train to stability. Neurofeedback can make your brain more resilient to life events, but your brain is not immune to physical or emotional insults which can have a detrimental effect on function.

Can I do Neurofeedback at home?

It is not possible to undertake Infra Low Neurofeedback at home due to the expense of the amplifier and the need for close observation of the client by the therapist during the session. Simple remote Neurofeedback systems are beginning to come into clinical practice, and we always explore new technologies to enable us to help people who are unable to undertake in-clinic training.

Some of the systems we use can be undertaken at home with remote supervision e.g., Vielight Photobiomodulation; the SSP and the Focus programmes from the Integrated Listening System.

Can I undertake Neurofeedback when I am on medication?

Yes. We do not interfere with your prescribed medication. It is important that there is no significant change to you medication or dosage during therapy, so we have a stable platform. It is possible that the benefits of Neurofeedback may result in you needing a lower dose of medication – in this case we ask you to engage with your Doctor to discuss making adjustments. The only medication we encourage you to stop during therapy are the stimulant medications for ADHD as we would anticipate training will mean you no longer require this medication.

Can the NHS or private health insurance cover the costs of Neurofeedback?

Unfortunately, not currently.

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